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Thank you for participating in the March giveaway! The winner is: Amanda Burkett! We will be contacting her for her address and the The Girlhood Home Companion Back Issue Album will be on it’s way to her mail box!

She said, “The miracle of perennials….how we know that they are there, but it’s still strikes us as magic as they poke their heads through the brown of the colder months. We like to walk our path and yard remembering and delighting in the newness, even of the familiar. And we plan and yearn for beauty as we decide what we plant each spring. And we remember the stories that surrounded the plantings and choosing odd years before–how some of our flowers were cuttings shared by those we loved who since past, and how in our garden are some of the same moments (and flowers) I spent as a child just waiting until the appointed hour to poke forth to share with my children.”

Congratulations Amanda!

-Jill and Eric Novak