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rosemaryThe words “There’s Rosemary, that’s for Remembrance” can be found on the back cover of one of my journals. This familiar Shakespearian quote caught my eye one day when I was trying to think of a name for our publishing company. Remembrance Press seemed fitting because of the strong theme of remembrance that is woven throughout our products.

The Gift of Family Writing, Forget-Me-not faith, and Writing Letters to Your Children are all products that were born out of remembering the faithfulness of God to our family and preserving those stories for generations to come. And as it says in Malachi 3:16, a book of remembrance was written in His name.

I didn’t originally intend to write a book about journaling, but through a deep desire to teach all of my children (ages 2-15 at the time) to write, I discovered simple and natural ways to help them record their life stories as they happen, and in the process, they became confident and creative writers. The best part is that these techniques and journaling styles work beautifully with children of all ages (toddlers to teens) and parents, too!

Never underestimate the influence you play in equipping the next generation to remember and to write from their personal experience. When mothers embrace journaling, children just naturally follow. A special bond is formed as you begin to hear your child’s heart through the words of their experience. You will love this writing approach!

We would like to bless you with a May special on all our family writing products. This is a pre-publication special as we are re-printing The Gift of Family Writing with a new cover and the expanded title: Every Day is a Gift—Journal the Ordinary Moments of Your Extraordinary Life.

We are offering The Gift of Family Writing and audio workshop on CD for the whole family for just $17.75, 25% off of the regular price of $24.95. Just use the code: “maysale” to receive your discount. Or order The Gift of Family Writing bundle including Forget-Me-Not Faith and Letters to My Children, companion workshops especially for mothers.

Also, my son Eric and his fiancée, Hannah, have created two new books centered around their growing up years in the kitchen. Bread and Jam, first in a series are beautiful “cooking from scratch” recipe books are filled with memories of learning to cook by their mamas sides.

Filled with beautifully crafted prose and photography, each book offers tried-and true methods for cooking traditional favorites as well as gluten-free recipes. Order these two books and receive the audio workshop: Make Your Own Heritage Recipe Notebook by Jill Novak for free.