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Lisa Steigerwalt and I had a lovely conversation about the benefits of establishing a weekly tea time ritual in our homes. Lisa shared that everything done at the tea table is for beauty, practicality and order. Join us as we learn simple and practical ways to create a relaxed atmosphere where hearts can unite through the age-old tradition of taking tea.

Lisa Steigerwalt is a Home Economist and Certified Etiquette Consultant and lives in New England. She enjoys teaching women of all ages about how to experience a richer, more meaningful home life, especially at the table. In 2001, she took a course/accreditation with the Protocol School of Washington and became a Certified Children’s Etiquette Consultant. Since then, she has been speaking in many areas concerning the home. She has taught all kinds of groups table etiquette such as how to be a good hostess and how to set the family table.