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Thank you all who entered the giveaway. This was truly a beautiful outpouring of your hearts and we are thankful for each and everyone of you who entered. Thank you for encouraging us with the examples of so many beautiful people. I truly wish I could meet with each and everyone you talked about.

Blessing to you all!

The winners are:
True Random Number Service
Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:

25 12 51

Submitted on 2011/11/15 at 10:30 am

A very dear friend, who I have only known for a short while, showed our family the greatest kindness and display of beauty recently. after delivering my 6th baby via c-section, she and her four children came to our home every afternoon for 10 days to watch my other children, clean our home, prepare food, and help teach, all while they requested I rest and spend time with my newest addition. This made such an impact on our family and showed love and kindness beyond what I have witnessed in a very long time. This mother is beautiful to me because she gave when it hurt, she showed her children how to sacrifice to provide for others, she was gracious and loving the whole way and offered more than needed, she showed my children what giving till it hurts looks like, and she was a great example of love in our home (1 Cor 13).

Dani Tolin
Submitted on 2011/11/14 at 9:09 pm

I can think of several people who have extended God’s grace in my life. However, I must say, the one person who has most been an extension of God’s grace in my life is my husband. He is such a godly man who truly lives out godliness and not just speaks of it. He has shown me so much of God’s grace,mercy and forgiveness. Before becoming a Christian, I made so many mistakes. With all the mistakes came many consequences, not just physical but also emotional. Through my precious husband I have been show the love of Christ and experienced so much forgiveness. I once thought I was unlovely and no one could love the ‘real’ me but my dear husband knows everything about me and still loves me. Now that is truly amazing to me! And he is like this with everyone. I thank God and praise Him that HE chose ME to gift with such a wonderful godly man!

Jami W.
Submitted on 2011/11/14 at 3:06 pm

My daughters are beautiful to me. I have the privilege of being with them all the time and so many days take that for granted. They have the most forgiving hearts, for my many sins. They always tell me I’m the best mommy in the world! They have their daddy’s beautiful blue eyes and that makes them all the more beautiful to me. I am seeing them begin to bear fruit, the most beautiful of all!

We will be contacting the winners and sending their gifts on the way!