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Our beautiful new edition of The Girlhood Home Companion is now available for order. Expected delivery August, 29th, 2011

Dear Daughters, Mothers and  Grandmothers,

God’s story began in a garden more beautiful and wondrous than our finite  minds can comprehend. Filled with the splendor of His creativity and the glory of His presence, Eden was a paradise where the God of the Universe walked intimately with Adam and Eve, the crowning jewels of His Creation. And yet, as He expressed His love in a myriad of ways, they chose not to trust Him. Only too late did they realize that nothing – not one created thing – could compare to a personal relationship with the Living God.

Even now, God desires to walk intimately with us. He longs to dwell with us in the secret recesses of our heart – a sanctuary reserved just for Him. There is nothing, and no one who can fill the God-void in our hearts.

There are over 700 references to the heart in the Bible, and one of the most familiar is Proverbs 4:23: “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life”(NASB). The word “watch” means to guard, to hedge about (as with thorns), to protect, look narrowly, save (self), wait (for). It is an awesome privilege to keep our hearts hedged in for the God of the Universe. Like the walled-garden in The Secret Garden, it is our responsibility to open the door and step through the gate to a secluded place where The Master Gardener may speak intimately of His love for us, and we, our love for Him – a hidden place where He can comfort and give direction through the trials and tribulations of this life.

Frances Hodgson Burnett once wisely said, “Two things cannot be in one place. Where you tend a rose, a thistle cannot grow.” A spiritual parallel can be made – the rose symbolizing our faith, the thistle symbolizing our doubts. Doubt cannot take root where faith is growing, and praise God, Hebrews 12:2 tells us, Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. We do not walk the garden path alone but have His continual presence to accompany us.

We all know that roses are lovelier than thistles. They’re fragrant and soft as velvet, and they come in a palette of exquisite colors. Why after beholding the beauty of a single rose would anyone choose to grow a garden of thistles? In the same way, how can anyone doubt the love of God after beholding the beauty of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood on Calvary?

How true the lyrics of the old hymn, “O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s a light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free! Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.”

It is our hope that this issue of The Girlhood Home Companion will be a well-spring of nourishment for the secret garden blossoming in your heart. May you become keenly aware of the Lord’s presence as He walks beside you morning, evening, and noontide – in the cool of the day – every day.

Jill Novak

Order a single issue here.

Order The Secret Garden Bundle here.

Target ship date 8/29/2011  Pre-order today!